Michael V. Medvedev

Graduated in 1963 the Physical Department of the Ural State University (Sverdlovsk).Ph.D. - 1967, Dr.Sci. - 1984.

1963-1966 – Ph.D. work (supervisor S.V.Vonsovskii, Yu.A.Izyumov)-physical department of Ural State University (Sverdlovsk). 1966-1988 – researcher at the Institute for Metal Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Ural Scientific Center (Sverdlovsk).

Since 1988 – leading and chief researcher, theoretical physics laboratory at the Institute of Electrophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch (Ekaterinburg). Professor of the Ural State University (solid state physics), since 1991.

Author of more than 100 papers on condensed matter theory.

Main interests – magnetism of disordered systems (impurities in magneto-ordered crystals, magnetic phase transitions in condensed magnetic alloys with competing exchange and anisotropic interactions, spin waves in amorphous and disordered magnetics, granular magnetic systems) and the theory of superconductivity (phonon mechanism of superconductivity, relationship of critical currents and irreversible magnetization of granular superconductors).

Researcher ID : W-3324-2017

Scopus ID : 7103247414
