Michael V. Sadovskii

Graduated in 1971 the Physical Department of the Ural State University (Sverdlovsk). Ph.D. - 1975, Dr.Sci. - 1986.
1971-1974 - Ph.D work - theoretical department of P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, USSR Academy of Sicences, Moscow.
1974-1986 - researcher at the Institute for Metal Physics USSR Academy of Sciences, Ural Scientific Centre (Sverdlovsk).
In 1987 - 2017 head of theoretical physics laboratory of the Institute for Electrophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch (Ekaterinburg), at present the chief researcher in this laboratory. During 1993 - 2002 - deputy director of the Institute. In 2011 - 2013 also headed the laboratory of quantum theory of condensed matter, Institute for Metal Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, in 2013 -2018 chief researcher of this laboratory and scientific supervisor of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Institute for Metal Physics.
Professor of the Ural State University (Theoretical Physics), 1991-2010.

Author of more than 150 papers on condensed matter theory. Main interests - electronic theory of disordered systems (Anderson localization, pseudogap), superconductivity (disordered superconductors, high-temperature superconductivity). Developed the field theory approach to Anderson localization, self-consistent theory of localization, theory of superconductors close to the Anderson transition. Formulated exactly solvable models of the pseudogap state, models of disorder effects in the theory of Peierls transition. Recent interests were connected with extensions of dynamical mean field theory approach to the theory of electrons in strongly correlated systems and theoretical studies of iron based superconductors.

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1994), Full Member (2003), member of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of RAS, member of the Bureau of the Physics Division of RAS and the RAS Comission on pseudoscience, member of American Physical Society, Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK) - 2002. Member of editorial boards of JETP and Physics Uspekhi. Member of the "July 1st Club" opposing 2013 governmental reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

A.G.Stoletov Prize in Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 2002
V.L. Ginzburg Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2016)
M.N. Mikheev Silver Medal of the Institute for Metal Physics (2017)
S.V. Vonsovsky Gold Medal of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2018)

Books and Reviews

Google Scholar

Researcher ID: B-2387-2017
Scopus ID : 7004629824
ORCID ID : 0000-0001-6056-8229
